Articles with keyword: nectar

Sweets without taboo – about food at the human and celestial table.
Gabriele Ziethen AKSUM - Akademische Kurse, Seminare und Mitarbeiterberatung (GbR) [visiting professor Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk/Russia;Cairo University/Egypt; Jinan-University/China]


Volume 2, Issue 2

 | pp.



This article deals with the subject of history of nutrition in Antiquity as well as with surviving traditions of preparing special sweets in Mediterranean and Near Eastern practices. Especially in case of sweets named “halwa” we can find Mediterranean, Arabian and Indian traditions by using ingredients which are defined by special nutrition factors as well as by special religious meaning. Mentioned as components of the so-called antique symposia such sweets survived until modern times thanks to their former religious importance as food without taboo that could be enjoyed regardless of individual religious believes or preferences.
Subjects:Cultural Interchanges (Mediterranean)