Articles with keyword: Aristotle’s Ethics

Aristotle’s pedagogical philosophy
Ioanna Mastora Ph.D. Phil, Athens University, Postdoctoral Researcher, Athens University Department of Philosophy


Volume 5, Issue 2

 | pp.



Classical antiquity, education had been formed in proportion with the social and politicsl system of each city-state, as Aristotle briefly formulates in his work Politics (1310). Social education is the core of his politicsl and pedagogical philosophy, aiming at shaping the worthy citizen and underlying a clear distinction between the individual (=idiotis) and the citizen (=politis), since "the whole must necessarily precede the party" (Politics 1253a19-24). His pedagogical approach focuses on an all-round psychosomatic balance and development. The system of his pedagogical philosophy is based on Ethics (Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics). The pedagogical approach presupposes experience and teaching, since virtue has two natures: the intellectual and the moral one, through which wisdom and intellect can be achieved. The philosopher laid the principles of formal logic as the basis of the scientific research, however, Rhetoric and Poetry keep an important position, the reason being human mankind is “mimetic”. The present article starts with Aristotle’s work as a student at Plato Academy and ends with his pedagogical work on the exemplary “twin” (teacher-student) Aristotle - Alexander. The pedagogical philosophy of Aristotle is proven as primarily practical.